Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why Walk When You Can Fly - Mary Chapin Carpenter

I remember listening to this CD during the winter, a cold one in Kentucky.  The kids were still young.  I worked part time and I was happy being a mother.  It was the first thing I found that I loved beyond my limits. That was a simple sentence, yet when I saw it as it appeared, I was hit by the depth of the of it deep inside. I loved those cold days where we stayed in our jammies all day.  We fought Gargoyles and watched old Abbott and Costello movies on VHS. I made lunches that had shaped sandwiches and laughed watching the two of them be BOYS. My sanity was to have music floating throughout the house.  I seldom do country, but this CD seemed to settle well.  Winter music is so different from summer music or spring.  Fall is also distinct. But Winter always was a little slower, a little deeper.  I don't remember what I thought in response to this CD, but it does stir me now.  I came across it by doing some online reading.  The good thing of no TV is that I do spend more time finding things to enlighten myself.  No I am not searching for self help, but just reading about sailing or how to bake a tart.  Sometimes I write things in my BB to look up later.  One on the list right now is "Are there fewer lightening bugs now than when I was a kid?".  So in a meander of some other searches I came across this song and decided to listen to it. I was thrown back to the days of my early parenting years.  Today, I can hear the words and have time to listen and think about who I am.  Who I want to be.
I think this song says it so well.  I know that in the coming months I think my new yardstick question will be "Why walk when you can fly".  I have been trying to think about a radical shift in how I live.  I spend without thought.  I am taking care of business, but my life is not leaving me room for my passion. I want to travel.  More than anything I value experiences.  It is my passion.  I am not talking staying in a hotel.  I want to have a more organic experience.  SO this song reminds me...With the rest of the time you are given, why walk when you can fly".  Do I really want the vase or do I want to have 8 dollars to travel. Do I really want a 40$ pedicure or Nicaraguan summer? I don't know what I will do yet.  It is on my mind.  This song helps me think about it with a point of view.  I don't want to take when I could be giving. So I guess I have some thinking to do.  Some more reading to do.  I love the line in the song, "In this world you have a soul for a compass, and a heart for a pair of wings".  So really, does that vase give me anything? I have to think what do I want, really want.

The last lines of the song make me think.  It was 20 years ago I was raising children listening to this song as background noise in the middle of happy chaos.  Now it reminds me it is time to be in a new happy chaos. 
"There's a star on the far horizon
Rising bright in the azure sky
For the rest of the time you're given
Why walk when you can fly"

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